Writing Prompt – Project Gutenberg Birthday Joker


Project Gutenberg was unleashed on the world on the 1st December, 1971.  The aim of the project is to help people access books that they might not otherwise be able to get hold of.  This can get a bit tricky because of copyright issues, but in some ways it becomes easier, because there are some fantastic books that are now out of copyright which would get lost forever if it weren’t for PG.

So head on over by clicking on the link: try not to get distracted by the 50,000 or so books on the site!  Take a look at the Recent Books section and pick one that you like the look of – the title of the book is the title/prompt of your story.

Word limit = 500 words (and because I’m mean, that includes the title).


As always, either write a piece on your blog and pop a link to it in the comments below, or e-mail us with your piece and we’ll post it for you. Deadline for your story : 9th December, 2 pm GMT.

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